Organization Profile is the first configuration that ASPEC Administrators should fill out.

Fig 1: Organization Profile

Organization Profile contains the following section and fields:

Section 1:

Organization Name: the name of the Organization using ASPEC

Organization ID: Reference number assigned automatically

Fiscal Year Start Month: The first month of your Organization’s fiscal year.  This month is used in the Forecast view

Timeout (5-120 Minutes): Number of minutes that the user can remain logged in, without performing any action in ASPEC

Reports Duration (Days): Number of days that reports remain stored in ASPEC, since the date they were created. After that date the reports are no longer stored in the Report section.

Create Ad-Hoc Email Interactions: If this option is selected, then any internal emails sent among ASPEC users from ASPEC records are stored under that record.  For example, a sales team may discuss a strategy to close an Opportunity and send internal emails from that Opportunity.  This Email will be saved under the Opportunity.

Restrict Document Creation To Selected Parent in Views: if this option is deselected then users cannot create Contact, Leads and IBOs without having selected Account (when creating a Contact)  and Contact (when created a Lead or IBO).  Otherwise they can create a “parent” in the same step.  This option is convenient for most users, but enabling this option may lead to more duplicate Accounts and Contacts.

Section 2: Website, Phone, Fax and Address

Use these fields to enter your Organization information

Section 3: Modules

The available list depends on the edition of ASPEC that your Organization is using.

If you are a solo user, then you can choose from Attachments and Calendar.  If you are using ASPEC OM (Opportunity Management), then Quotes are also available.  ASPEC CRM has Leads and Campaigns/Events. If you are using the Service module, then Service Request and Devices also appear in the list.

For the list of available modules and features please visit


Section 4:  Locale Setting

Use fields in this section to set Organization-wide defaults.  These default are used when configuring new users, but can be modified in individual users’ profiles.

Section 5: Role and Teams

Fig 2: Role and Teams

Use Advanced Role Filter: This option is available if your Organization subscribes to more than a single license.   If this option is checked, then you can define access hierarchy and grant priviledges to records in ASPEC based on that role assignment.   More on that topic here.

The following options are available if Use Advanced Role Filter is selected:

Show User Table:  If this option is checked then ASPEC displays names of people that have access to a given record, assigned by a role hierarchy.  In other words,  it  explicitly lists the names of  role members that can view or edit the record, in addition to displaying the selected role(s).

Allow Sales Teams: If this option is checked, then multiple people can share the same IBO. The Owner remains responsible for the IBO, but the visibility and edit rights can be granted to additional users, regardless of the role assigned to the IBO.  Also see the Sales Team Depth below.

Add Team Member Prompt (New IBOs Only):  If this option is checked then on saving new Opportunities  ASPEC displays a prompt to confirm that additional Team members are not required.



Email Notification Default: If ON then the Owner and the Team members receive emails when the Opportunity is saved.

Notify When Added:  If checked then the Team members receive an email about a new Opportunity.

Sales Team Selection:  Use this field to determine the list of names available in Team members.

The following choices are available:

1. Lowest Assigned Role: When adding Teams users can select from the members of their own role(s), unless they have View All rights.  Users will View All rights see the names of the members or their own role(s) and the role(s ) that are above.

2. Assigned Role & Above: When adding Teams users can select from the members of their own role(s) and the role(s) above.

3. Entire Organization: Team members can be selected from the list of all active ASPEC users.


License Settings

Information in this section is based on your ASPEC edition,  the number of licenses and the license renewal period.  Please contact or call us at 416-479-3583 if you wish to change any of these options.