Add New Product On IBO? Enabling this option lets users create new products in the IBO Form, rather than only being able to choose from Products that have already been configured in the Products Setup area. This is ideal if your company does not have a fixed product list, or if your business is typically project-based.
Hide Product Group Check this option to hide the Product Group field in the IBO Form. This will simplify the entering of IBOs for your organization if you do not need to track different groups of products or services.
Hide Product Number Check this option to hide the Product Number field in the IBO Form. This will simplify the entering of IBOs for your organization if you do not need to track product ID numbers.
Hide Qty & Unit Price Check this option to remove the Quantity and Unit Price fields from your IBO Forms. If your business is primarily service or project-based, product quantities and unit prices may not be applicable. Hiding these fields will simplify the IBO form and its use.

Additional custom fields can be configured for use in the Product table. To add a new custom field, click “Add Custom Field” in the menu bar. Enter the name of the field, and choose the type of value.