Export templates define columns in output files produced by Export action or by reports.   Users who are allowed to export data from ASPEC see Export Templates in the Setup sections.

Fig 1: Accessing Export Templates

Export Templates section is divided into private templates (My Templates) and Shared Templates.

Click Add to create a new template.

Each Export Template contains the following fields, buttons and sections:


Fig 2: Export Template

  1. Save button: click to save changes
  2. Save As New button: click to save a modified version. Your original template will remain unchanged.
  3. Cancel button; click to close the page without saving
  4. Template Name: choose a unique, meaningful name for your template
  5. Share This: if you check this options, all ASPEC users who have the rights to export will be able to re-use this template.   You can customize a shared template and make it your private if you leave “Share This” clear, enter a new template name and and click “Save As New”.
  6. Document Type: select the type of record for the template.  The template will be available if you export this type of record.  For example, if you select Contact then you can use this template when exporting Contacts.
  7. Available Types: list of vailable record types. For example, if exporting Contacts you can select fields not only from the Contact, but also from its Account, Legal Account, Campaign etc.
  8. Available Fields: fields available for the record type that is selected in the Available Types column
  9. Output Columns: the end result – list of columns with field values in the export file

Export Template list are available when performing an export from a relevant listview.  For example, performing an export from the Contact listviews displays the list of templates configured for the Contact record type.[:]