When to use Move Contacts should be deleted or merged only to remove duplicates. Some users delete a Contact after they are not doing business with that person anymore. Don’t do that. The “old” Contact could retire, be promoted or move to a different company.   Users may or may not know the new whereabouts of the […]

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Sometimes you may end up with duplicate Contacts. To resolve a duplication manually, you can move the Leads, IBOs and Interactions, one by one, under the “winning” Contact, and then delete the duplicate. A faster approach is to use Merge action, that blends multiple Contacts into one.  All Leads, IBOs and Interactions are stored under the […]

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“Generally a contact is anyone that we communicate or associate with. In sales automation, the scope gets narrowed down to include just the people who directly affect the salesperson’s business, or have the capability to influence it. Contacts may have needs which at some point, will turn into sales opportunities, and they have to be […]

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ASPEC IBO Analysis is built into the Opportunity form.  Users simply submit information about the progress of an Opportunity.  ASPEC Advisor does the rest – as Opportunities are being worked on, ASPEC Advisor provides feedback on how well a salesperson is doing and offers strategic advice for improvement. The only information (“IBO Essentials“) required by […]

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Overview The IBO  (Identified Business Opportunity) is your sales opportunity, your chance to sell your product or service to a customer who has a need to have it, and the ability to buy it. Every opportunity is unique; no two Opportunities involve the same combination of products, customers or time constraints. After careful consideration, it […]

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For each IBO (once saved) you can add records of any critical interactions that have taken place with your customer. Click the Add Interaction button at the top left of any IBO form. The Type of interactions that are available can be configured by your organization’s administrator in Setup – Lookup Options. This is a […]

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