Personal Setup

Individual User Profile Options To add or modify your name, email address, phone number, number format, language or time zone, go to the User Profile page in Setup. Depending on your level of access to ASPEC Cloud configuration, you may not be able to modify all of the settings for yourself.  In that case, contact your Administrator […]

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Each user has an option to subscribe to the following notifications: Overdue Notifications An Email is sent to the Owner when Opportunity is about to become overdue.  The date of the Email is based on the default set up in Email Notifications. 2. New/Reassigned Leads Owners are notified about new or reassigned Leads. 3. Appointments and Tasks […]

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Export templates define columns in output files produced by Export action or by reports.   Users who are allowed to export data from ASPEC see Export Templates in the Setup sections. Fig 1: Accessing Export Templates Export Templates section is divided into private templates (My Templates) and Shared Templates. Click Add to create a new […]

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Every user can customize columns in the Account, Contact, All IBOs, Quotes, Interactions and Service listviews. To perform this customization, click the button on the right side of the view.  You can drag and drop columns already in the listview (1) or add new columns (2) by dragging them into the Active section if the dialog […]

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