
When to use Move Contacts should be deleted or merged only to remove duplicates. Some users delete a Contact after they are not doing business with that person anymore. Don’t do that. The “old” Contact could retire, be promoted or move to a different company.   Users may or may not know the new whereabouts of the […]

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Sometimes you may end up with duplicate Contacts. To resolve a duplication manually, you can move the Leads, IBOs and Interactions, one by one, under the “winning” Contact, and then delete the duplicate. A faster approach is to use Merge action, that blends multiple Contacts into one.  All Leads, IBOs and Interactions are stored under the […]

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“Generally a contact is anyone that we communicate or associate with. In sales automation, the scope gets narrowed down to include just the people who directly affect the salesperson’s business, or have the capability to influence it. Contacts may have needs which at some point, will turn into sales opportunities, and they have to be […]

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Welcome to ASPEC Salesforce Edition. ASPEC Salesforce application is designed to save you time and take your sales to the next level. It minimizes the guesswork, standardizes the way probability of winning is assigned, and serves as a tool to access the situation consistently.  Sales Advisor  helps manage time more effectively by assigning a priority level to each opportunity. This “Getting Started” guide contains […]

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ASPEC IBO Analysis is built into the Opportunity form.  Users simply submit information about the progress of an Opportunity.  ASPEC Advisor does the rest – as Opportunities are being worked on, ASPEC Advisor provides feedback on how well a salesperson is doing and offers strategic advice for improvement. The only information (“IBO Essentials“) required by […]

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The All IBOs View allows you to view all of your IBOs in an uncategorized sortable list. You can search the list of IBOs using the search box at the top of the screen. Simply tap the Search field, and start typing to filter the IBOs. The IBOs can be sorted by a variety of […]

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The Priority View displays a list of all of your open sales opportunities, and can be used to prioritize and determine which opportunity to focus on.  This is a list of your sales opportunities which make up your “portfolio”. You should work it from the top to the bottom. ASPEC Mobile has done the difficult work of […]

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The Sales Forecast view allows you to view a forecast summary of all of your IBOs by expected close data and categorized by month. The date range for the forecast view can be changed by selecting the Start and End buttons at the top of the view. To change how the values are calculated, tap […]

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The IBO Form is used to create or edit sales opportunities as well as add or edit interactions for each opportunity. Clicking an IBO in Priority, Forecast or All IBOs list views will open the IBO form for that specific IBO. New opportunities can be created from any of these three views as well. You […]

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ASPEC Mobile is a complete sales productivity and proficiency tool where you need it and when you need it. Opportunity management and analysis. Automated probability and risk assessment. Automated prioritization and work planning. Accurate, consistent, and automatic forecasts. Opportunity lists with complete search, filtering, and sorting. With ASPEC Mobile, you can quickly and easily: Enter […]

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