a feature called tagging. This feature can assist users in assigning visual cues to specific records in the listviews. Tagging is available in Accounts, Contacts, Leads, and IBOs. Tag columns can be enabled by engaging the customize column functionality. Locate the Tags column and select it for display Tags can be configured to the user’s […]

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You can view and create IBOs using ASPEC mobile App. Read the following posts: IBO Form Priority listview Forecast listview All IBOs listview

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The Opportunity Profile in Customize/Opportunities of ASPEC Setup is designed to customize the form and import IBOs. Fig 1: IBO Setup Clicking  Import IBOs. loads a page containing all tools needed to upload an import file, verify the file and perform the import. Default Expert Mode is used when adding new users to ASPEC.  If the […]

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Click All IBOs tab in the Sales section to navigate to the All IBOs listview The All IBO listview has the following elements: 1.Standard buttons, based on user’s privileges. 2. Quick Search: Type in a few letters for a quick search 3. Paging: View IBO list size, move to the next or previous page 4. […]

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Forecasting projects how much revenue your company will be receiving, in order to determine how resources should be allocated, what purchases should be made from suppliers, and what strategic moves should be made. Forecasting is normally done at regular intervals such as monthly, quarterly, etc. The Sales Forecast listview allows to view a forecast summary […]

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Priority view is accessed by clicking the Priority tab in the navigation bar. Fig 1: Priority listview This view displays a list of all of your open sales Opportunities and can be used to prioritize your time and determine which Opportunity to focus on. The Priority view groups and displays your opportunities in six categories: […]

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[:en] What is Advisor Expert? Consult Advisor Expert if you need extra assistance with a difficult Opportunity (IBO). The Sales Environment Section, visible after clicking ‘Expert’ button, is a tool for gathering and recording information about the strategic aspects of a sales situation. Advisor Expert uses this information  to help formulate a sales strategy using […]

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[:en]ASPEC helps salespeople manage their time by prioritizing opportunities. Each opportunity is assigned one of six priority levels, as shown below. The priority assigned is based on the opportunity’s probability ranking and sales cycle phase. Priority lists are displayed in various Sales Cycle Planner views. Overdue The first priority is the “Overdue” category. In this […]

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ASPEC IBO Analysis is built into the Opportunity form.  Users simply submit information about the progress of an Opportunity.  ASPEC Advisor does the rest – as Opportunities are being worked on, ASPEC Advisor provides feedback on how well a salesperson is doing and offers strategic advice for improvement. The only information (“IBO Essentials“) required by […]

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Overview The IBO  (Identified Business Opportunity) is your sales opportunity, your chance to sell your product or service to a customer who has a need to have it, and the ability to buy it. Every opportunity is unique; no two Opportunities involve the same combination of products, customers or time constraints. After careful consideration, it […]

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