Contacts Profile is found in the Customize/Contacts section of ASPEC Setup.

The Profile contains the following buttons and sections:

Fig: Contact Profile

1.Custom Fields Layout: Read more on setting Custom Fields in this post.

2. MS Word Templates: Store templates with bookmarks for a quick creation of correspondence using MS Word, populated with the information from ASPEC.

3. Import Contacts

4. Optional fields and widget sorting: Check to enable Degree Level and Contact Type  Choose the sorting in Contact list shown in Accounts.

5. Locking Phones

If the Phone fields are locked in Contact, then the each Phone section field stares the same phone type value in each Contact. For example, if the Lock was checked and Phone 1 (Left Column) was checked then each first Phone field on each Contact is labelled Business 1.  The Admin can select from other available Phone type values available in the dropdown.

6. Field Inheritance

Fields checked in the section “Fields to Inherit from Account” will be automatically pulled into a new Contact created from an Account selected in a listview or opened in the current page.

Note: If Phone 1 and Phone 2 is checked, Contacts inherit Account’s Phone and Fax field into the first and the second Phone field on the Contact, regardless of the label of that field on the Contact.
